Keep up to date with all things MENA!
Upcoming Changes (as of October 2024)
After some long deliberation with my mom, I will be moving home in October to help take care of her.
General Availability
I N C A L L S → Port Credit (Mississauga) + Downtown Toronto
O U T C A L L S → Everywhere
Bereavement Mini Hiatus
For those of you who have not seen the updates on my Twitter page, on April 12th I suffered a very big loss.
Holiday Season Availability
I N C A L L S → Port Credit (Mississauga) + Downtown Toronto
O U T C A L L S → Everywhere
Lena & Mena | Oct. 15th + 16th
My dear friend and duo partner Lena Cartier will be returning October 16th and 16th. Read more for additional info.
Duos with Lena & Mena…
My dear friend and duo partner Lena Cartier is visiting August 14th to 16th and we are offering a special duo rate! Read more for additional info.